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All information in this " Centennial" Page is provided by Stacy Hunt who has been tirelessly collating old articles and photographs, and spending many hours in The Kenilworth Historical Society !
Village Fountain Restoration
$1000 Contribution 2021
WINGS Holiday and Valentine Projects
Heritage Tree Program
Large Tree 2021
Memorial Trees
Mary Suker 2020
Presbyterian Home
Holiday and Memory Care Deck.
Photo : Presbyterian Home Memory Care Deck planters delivered May 2020
-Colleen Kilner, Author of "Kenilworth Tree Stories" and Club President 1944-46
Left: Even though it is covered with leaves in December, the bird sanctuary still thrives with activity!
Below : August 2022 - New Plantings- Look for the markers!
1934: The original bird pool was a gift from Grace Lindsley, Club President 1935-36.
1957: "In 1957 the Club restored for use the Bird Bath given by our own member, Mrs. Arthur J. Lindslcy, a former president in 1935. At the same time in 1957, Mrs. Basil L. Walters, president, was instrumental in restoring the Park as a Wild Flower Preserve, with the members planting native wild flowers in the area around the Bird Bath and restoring the path in this area." - Esther Pendleton 1960 Mahoney Park Chairman
1984: Grandson of member Fran Powell and son of member Sherry Fowler, Todd Fowler, excavated the bird bath for restoration for his Eagle Scout project.
2014: ComEd/OpenLands awarded a grant to restore the bird pond. The group was led by Valerie Foradas, the Park District, Weekly Weeders and club members, See 2014 dedication plague to Lou Maggi in photo.
2023: The Park District renovated the pond, welcoming birds back!
Bird Sanctuary Pond
$2000 will be contributed for the Bird Sanctuary Restoration Project.
See article left: The original bird pool was a gift from club member Grace Lindlsey in 1934. Grace was club president from 1935-1936.